Rug Storage: A Guide on How to Store a Rug for Long Term

  • 24 December 2022
  • 3 Min Read
  • By Jaipur Rugs
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Regardless of whether you need to store the carpet for a few days or many years, the specific protocol remains the same. This will ensure that the rug does not incur damage during storage.

You may be wondering about how to store a rug long-term. Carpet storage is a popular topic among many rug owners and is a relatively simple process to follow. Regardless of whether you need to store the carpet for a few days or many years, the specific protocol remains the same. This will ensure that the rug does not incur damage during storage. 

It is incredibly important for you to follow storage instructions on how to store carpets or how to store a rug accurately. This will ensure that you preserve its quality and beauty when it's time to bring it back out again. Examples of how to engage in rug storage include wrapping it, cleaning it, protecting it, and storing it in an appropriate place. Let’s dive in and learn about how to prepare your rug for storage and select a proper location. 

Preparing Your Rug for Storage

There are certain guidelines rug owners need to follow for rug storage. Look at the step-by-step process below on how you can adequately prepare your rug for short-term and long-term storage. 

1.    You must start by thoroughly cleaning the rug. Begin by vacuuming to clean off excess dirt, debris, hair, and other particles. 
2.    After vacuuming, scan the rug for any stains that you find. If you locate a stain, take some warm water, and a towel, and gently rub the stains in a circular motion. Cleaning the rug thoroughly will prevent future mold and mildew growth when it is eventually stored away. 
3.    Once thoroughly cleaned, now is the time to start packing the rug up. Lay the rug flat and roll it up carefully, but tightly to ensure there are no gaps once complete. Leaving gaps in your rug can cause crease formation and ruin the look when you roll it back out after storage. 
4.    Lastly, after rolling up the rug, you will need to secure it in protective rug bags for storage. Rug bags made from a breathable plastic material will ensure that the rug is protected from dirt and grime. 

Now, after preparing your rug for rug storage and securing it tightly, the carpet is ready for storage. In the next section, we will highlight some areas and maintenance tips to store your carpet securely and safely. 

rugs storage techniques and tips

Where Can I store my Carpet? 

There are several different areas in which you can store your rug. For example, you can store it in a basement, a private storage space, your garage, or even a shed in your backyard. The important part to note is that the area you choose must be a temperature-regulated area. Avoiding extreme hot or cold temperatures is imperative to protect the integrity of the fabric. In addition, a dry place with minimal moisture is necessary to prevent mildew or mold accumulation in areas where you do not want it. 

After choosing a space for rug storage, there are a few more considerations to consider. Placing the rug on a shelf, in the corner of a room, or in a box is important to prevent contact with the floor. The floor is an accessible access point for pets, rodents, and water to seep in and harm your precious yet classy carpet. 

The last thing to remember is to lay eyes on your rug every once in a while. This will ensure that you can identify any type of dirt or moisture accumulation that needs to be taken care of. In the long term, performing regular inspections will allow the rug to remain durable and of quality when taken out of the protective barrier in the future. 

rugs storage tips in home

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Jaipur Rugs

Established in 1978 under the guidance of NK Chaudhary, Jaipur Rugs stands as a beacon for preserving India's rich heritage of traditional rug-making on a global scale. Through strategic collaborations with esteemed international designers and skilled artisans, we curate a collection of award-winning luxury rugs that seamlessly blend timeless elegance with contemporary aesthetics. This unwavering commitment to craftsmanship and customization has firmly established Jaipur Rugs as a leader in the rug manufacturing industry.

Pic Credits

Jaipur rugs / Abil Dase

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